Thursday, June 12, 2008
@ Thursday, June 12, 2008

Tags replys~

To all: Sorry for late reply!!
kahming: Hi,tag you soon and miss you too!
Crystal: I also ♥ you alot!
kahming: sorry long time didn't online le,will callyou de and tc too.x3 you.
qiqi: Thanks!:D
Hui wen: No lor, me post so little.haha.ya congrats to chanel but poor you cannot quit band. T.T
RuQin: of course still remember you! Will link you soon de and thanks for the link.:)
kahming: takecares too and the $4 i will return you when you are free , can call me?
SQUISH: will relink you de!:)


you might know my name, but you do not know my story.

Kaiyan :)